Internationale Sommerakademie am Rhein
28/07 - 11/08/2024
Prof. Jean-Noël Briend
Masterclass opera/lied/mélodie 2024
The students will arrive on the evening of the 27th of July 2024 at the Kehl, Baden-Baden or Strasbourg stations or Karlsruhe-Baden Airpark. We will contact you after your validated registration to see which station will be the most convenient for you. Several rides between the stations and the Academy will be planned by the organizers.
The students will leave the day after the concert, on the morning of the 12th of August. The rides between the Academy and the different stations will be planned.
The Academy offers to the students private rooms at the Academy or Homestay nearby.
The Academy offers a meal every lunchtime and every evening. If for personal reasons, one student doesn't want it, he or she can eat elsewhere but at his or her own costs.
PROGRAMME COSTS 2024: deadline 15th of July 2024. A later registration is possible...
1.350€ for the singers and 850€ for the pianists,
included a non-refundable 50€ application fees.
A registration for one week only can be accepted depending on the number of places available.
Name: Jean-Noël Briend
Purpose: Internationale SommerAkademie am Rhein 2024
Bank: Volksbank Dresden-Bautzen (From Banks except SEPA area, Please choose the option "no charges for recipient")
IBAN: DE67 8509 0000 4011 5510 12
-To be validated, your file necessarily has to contain the following documents:
- Completed registration form
- Payment of the amount of registration on the account above (not refundable 50€)
For any withdrawal as from:
-a week before the beginning of the academy, tuition fees are owed
-two weeks before the beginning of the academy, tuition fees for the first week are owed
Any bank transfer except SEPA must include the phrase "without charge to the beneficiary". Please note, if, despite these instructions, the bank charges are borne by the Internationale SommerAkademie am Rhein, the participants concerned shall be required to reimburse these fees on their arrival in Rheinau.
If the health situation should worsen and the academy should be canceled, all fees, registration + tuition will be refunded.
Singers over 35 years of age will not be allowed to take part in the summer programme. A derogation is possible.